US Department of Energy's Building Technologies Office BEM Peer Review 2019

Along with other industry leaders and stakeholders, EDSL’s Michael Sawford was invited as a reviewer for the DOE’s BTO BEM Peer Review. The review took place April 16th last month, where participants were asked to review and advise the current range of BTO projects with the goal of furthering research and the advancement of building simulation in the design, operations, and maintenance of buildings.
BTO's Request for Information
The Building Technologies Office has produced a request for information and provided all the necessary information on the EERE exchange website for the wider BEM community to get involved and participate. IBPSA-USA has also provided a useful survey for the community to get involved and respond to the RFI.
Responses to this RFI must be submitted electronically to no later than 5:00pm (ET) on June 3, 2019.
To participate follow the links below:
- DOE Resources:
- IBPSA-USA resources for participating:
Tas two-way link to EnergyPlus
See the About Tas page to learn more about how we are working on improved flexibility and interoperability with Tas and EnergyPlus/eQuest to support the BEM community: